ECO2 will create over 80 high-tech, well-paying jobs in a region that will greatly benefit from a new type of economic diversification. The installation of the ECO2 Magnesia plant in the Chaudière-Appalaches region, as well as all the secondary industries that will follow, will create a new green economic hub. This new industry has the potential to become an economic flagship for the region and for Quebec.
In 2020, the Bureau des audiences publiques sur l’environnement (BAPE) led an inquiry into the state of the land and the management of chrysotile and chrysotile tailings entitled L'État des lieux et la gestion de l'amiante et des résidus de l'amiante. The commissioners concluded that generations of Quebecers had benefited from the economic and fiscal spinoffs of the chrysotile industry for many years. In a perspective of intergenerational and territorial equity, decontamination and revalorization of these tailings should be a moral obligation for our society out of respect for future generations. In absolute agreement with this conclusion of the BAPE, this is a fundamental value at ECO2.